Children's Hospital of the King's Daughters celebrates the topping-off of the upcoming Mental Health Hospital, slated to open in 2022.
Today we begin construction on our new 60 bed 14 story $224 million 2022. We are building hope. Inside the walls of this new tower, we're shining the light on mental health to raise awareness and who erase stigma mm Now, less than a year later, we are topping off the building, raising the beam that will mark the highest point in our construction and move us that much closer to a brighter future for our Children of all the different events that I've helped support in the past. This one is near and dear to my heart. There's nothing that will make a greater difference in our community than this new hospital. We all know somebody who has been touched in some way by mental health issues within the community and it's such a dire need that we are so fortunate to be able to satisfy with the building of this new mental health facility. What a tremendous asset for the Children of our community. I'm absolutely delighted to be here today. I'm excited to be part of this great team and this wonderful event that we're experiencing here today. I think the hospital in itself really symbolizes hope to our Children, our families in the community. This mental health facility is incredibly important to our community. It's a need that has to be met uh,